Friday, April 23, 2010

We Have A Winner!

The winner of these pretty bud vases is.....
                                                    #12  Mindy from Princess of everything!!  
Thank you to everyone that entered, this was so much fun!


  1. ~squeals~ Thank you so much!!! I promise I will give them a good home.

  2. I love this vase! I'm going to try to make my own!!! so so so freakin cute!

  3. wow, what a fun story!! You did a gorgeous job...I have boys. ;( I don't get to do that but my next door friend did the same thing for her now 7 year old girl and it was as nice as yours.

  4. I got my vase (vases) in the mail! They are WONDERFUL!! Thank you so very much for this giveaway!
