Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Stone Cottage

When our daughter was a year old, all she wanted to do when she was outside was collect rocks. And now that she is four she is still loving her rocks. So when I asked her what she wanted to name her playhouse, without hesitation she said Stone Cottage. I thought it was a perfect name!

As you can see Stone Cottage is quite tiny. The table and chairs were found at a flea market and just needed a little sprucing up. I gave them a couple coats of exterior white paint and they are good as new.

We didn't measure anything before hand and got lucky because the table just fits through the little door.

Whenever I come across old frames I buy them up to use for future projects. This one was only a dollar but ugly and brown so I painted it pink and used some leftover chalkboard paint. This was an easy fifteen minute project, I can't get enough chalkboards!

I want to add two battery powered lanterns on either side of the chalkboard.

I'm loving these from Pottery Barn Kids but for $39.00 each I think I'll keep looking. Any ideas?

The big old lilac bush we inherited is just about in bloom....I think tomorrow will be the day.

And the Redbud tree is in full bloom with the perennials starting to coming up.
Spring is really here! 

~Enter my give-away to win a set of seven bud vases with iron stand here~


  1. Oh, my goodness, when can I move in! Such a picturesque setting, she is a LUCKY little girl!

    Best wishes,

  2. What a beautiful Stone Cottage. Lucky little one. For the lanterns, try a hardware or outfitting/camping store. We picked up green battery lanterns for our boys and my nieces have purple ones. We are in Canada and got ours a few years back at Canadian Tire and Bass Pro. I also got a black metal lantern with a battery operated 'flameless candle' for a birthday gift this year from a friend. She got it at HomeSense, similar to US Home Goods I think. They may have brighter colours too. Good luck and thanks for sharing. So very cute.

  3. I have always wanted a little house like that! Yes, I am a grown woman but I look at this perfect little space and I long to grab a blanket and pillow and curl up on the floor of that little cottage and read Little House on the Prairie (for the umpteenth time!). Beautiful!

  4. Thanks Elizabeth, I will look into your suggestions, there is no way I can spend $80.00 on a couple of lanterns!

    Cate- I think you have a great idea, maybe if I'm laying down no one will find me in there!

  5. That little SWEET cottage is ADORABLE! The name is perfect! I love that she's so decisive!

  6. Thanks for linking up to my blog roll!! Sorry it's taken me so long to stop by and say thanks. Busy busy!

    I love those PB lanterns too (but not the price - ouch! It's things like that that nudge me out of my black and white comfort zone. I really need to start using color more.

  7. That is just so cute set under the lilac tree! What a beautiful cottage. What a lucky girl! Will you adopt me? Of course, I wouldn't expect anything less from you though. Everything you do just looks so perfect!

  8. Her stone cottage looks perfect! I love what you have done with it!!! One happy daughter I am sure she is

  9. How sweet! My daughter also had a playhouse when she was young. I have very fond memories of her playing there. I made her a little stove and fridge and table. :) You and your little one are also creating such memories!
    thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment on my crib leg table. It was very sweet.

  10. Dreamy! A place for her fairies to come and visit her! What a lucky little girl!

  11. It reminds me of my playhouse when I was a little girl. My dad built it for me and my sisters from leftover building materials. My mom planted rose bushes all around it. It was heaven. I think about that little playhouse all the time. Your daughter will too! Just beautiful.


  12. So cute and what a great name! Try Ikea for lanterns. They had some really colorful ones for $4.99 each! Coming over from Blue Cricket Design and a happy new follower!


  13. Londen, Stone Cottage is the perfect place to make a little girls dreams come true. I always wanted such a place when I was a little girl. My friend had one and I thought her parents must love her very much to give her a little house of her very own.
    Your little one is very lucky indeed. I love it sitting under your Redbud. What a lovely picture it all makes.

  14. What a CUTE little playhouse...thanks for sharing it!


  15. How cute! It looks really great.
    I wish I had a playhouse like that when I was little



  16. Such a sweet little playhouse. I love the name your daughter came up with. It's adorable.

    Have you thought out buying inexpensive lanterns a simply placing battery powered candles in them. My girls love those candles and are constantly sneaking them to their room.

    The tree in your backyard is gorgous - I've always wanted a flowering tree - so jealous!

  17. My sister has that playhouse for her three girls & I love it! Thanks for stopping by my blog & touring my screened porch. The paint sprayer works great, but you have to clean it well to keep it from clogging. Good luck with yours!

  18. Oh my gosh. Just when I thought this little house couldn't be any cuter! I'm trying to memorize all of your posts so I can blatantly copy you when I have kids some day. The chalkboard, the little table, the lanterns, the chalkboard. This is just the most adorable thing ever!

  19. Your stone cottage is so great! Love it all.

  20. Thanks for the link Deborah, you are so sweet!

  21. Can that seriously be any cuter?! We had a sad little playhouse at our old house and our daughter loved it - but she never saw this one!! Adorable!!


  22. This is the sweetest! We need to name our cute little playhouse and spruce it up a bit, now that Spring is really here. Thanks for all the great inspiration!

  23. I love it. So cute. I also love that your daughter named it, and such a great name. I am sure it is so special to her.

  24. Stone Cottage is charming but even moreso with that tree blooming above it! I want to play there for hours!!

  25. What a sweet cottage and too cute that your daughter named it, Stone Cottage. I love it!

  26. This cottage is killing me. I love it! What a perfect place for a child or an adult looking to hide from her kids {ahem}! ;)

  27. Your cottage is so darling and I love the name. I have been bugging my husband to make a little cottage for our daughter, I think I need to show him this picture!

    Thanks for the sweet comments on my Living Room!

  28. Love "Stone Cottage". My 11 year old loves collecting rocks too. Ikea has some lanterns about that size. They are silver but we all know the power of a can of spray paint. I think they are like $5 or $6 each. I saw them and thought how cute they would be painted but I didn't have anywhere to put them so there you go. I was inspired to notice them for you. LOL. I'm tagging you for a blog game. Stop by and check it out if you want to play.

  29. you know i love this cottage!

    the other day, i dropped a faint hint to the husband about this little cottage & how our little pixie needs one NOW!!!

    isn't playing outside in the spring even more fun with blooming trees??!!

    happy weekend.

  30. Oh my... this may be the cutest thing ever! It has so much goodness! Love love love!

  31. What a lovely cottage for little one!

  32. Looks like your little girl will grow up being just like Mommy...loving the little adorable things in life!
    I love that she loves her stone cottage!
    Great story!
