Thursday, April 29, 2010

Enjoying The Great Outdoors

 We are lucky to have three zoos nearby all within an hour's drive or less. Each one has something special about it. The other day we made our fist trip of the year to Washington Park Zoo in Michigan City. It's the smallest one and has great views of Lake Michigan.

Here is Daddy bird sitting on his egg in a giant nest.

 The gardens are beautiful, I'm loving this color combination.

                                          Not really beach weather yet so we had it all to ourselves.           

Once the nice weather makes its way to the Midwest we are ready to be outside as much as possible. I'm thrilled it's finally here, but I really have to get motivated to get some inside projects done. Maybe writing about it will make it happen. Blogging can be helpful that way right?


  1. I too love writing about what I need to do or blogging about it. Unfortunately for me, I don't get anything done and I get pulled into blog world. Like right now, so much to do and I am sitting in front of my computer!

    Cute pictures of your family. It is warming up here but freezing in the mornings. If it rained, I think it could actually snow. It has happened before!

  2. Ooooh! I didn't know you were so close to me! We are in Michigan. If you get a chance you should try to make a trip to the Fort Wayne Children's Zoo. My kids love it. It's a hands on zoo so you can get up close to the animals if not touch them. Last time we were there the bitty one got licked my an uber ugly giraffe tongue. She was not happy at all!

  3. Those flowers are incredible!! Amazing view of the lake in the background! What a fun day!


  4. been to the other side of michigan lake in chicago, but never been to michigan. those flowers are beautiful. you seemed to have enjoyed the day. have a great weekend! verbena cottage

  5. oh what a beautiful beach to be able to take your family to!! we have a beach nearby but the sand is nowhere near as nice as that! looks like you had a great time!

  6. How fun! I never think to go to our zoo, maybe this weekend!

    Best wishes,

  7. Zoos are so fun! Love the pictures and the beach oh beautiful that picture is!

  8. Visiting from Remodelaholic! My in-laws have a lake house near the Michigan City zoo and we've been there a few times. Even though it's small, it's so unique. Great pictures! Nice to meet you!

  9. great photos. I never knew about the Michigan City zoo, thanks for the tip!

  10. What fun photos of your precious little one!
