Monday, April 5, 2010

Blooming Playhouse

Last year we started our search for a little playhouse. We wanted to find something that wasn't plastic and didn't cost a fortune. After lots of looking and reading reviews we found one we loved and it fit our budget too.

         updated 4/9 the tulips are open
It took Mr. 65th avenue almost the whole day to build and the next day he put together a deck to set the house on. It was a lot of work but definitely worth it.

The dutch door is my favorite part. It even has a working doorbell.

The flower boxes have been fun to change out for the season. I had evergreens and berries in there for Christmas and winter.
The spring pansies will survive our climate until we can plant annuals around mid May. Midwestern gardeners have to be very patient!

The tulips are just starting to open and we are so excited!
We were at an outdoor mall last summer when we saw the gardeners pulling out hundreds of tulips and throwing them away! I hated to see them go to waste so I asked if we could take some home and we ended up with a big bag full.
After reading up on bulbs, I stored them in the garage until fall and planted them. And it really worked!

I'm going to transplant my hydrangea and put it next to the house under the red bud tree. I think it got too much sun last year in the front and didn't do so well. Hopefully this will be a better spot for it.

I'll share a couple of pictures of the inside once I clean it up and finish a little project.

 Sharing this at todayscreativeblog  tipjunkie cottagedreamers bluecricketdesign poshpieces


  1. SO cute! Our neighbors down the street have the exact same one!

    I adore playhouses! Did you see the one we built for our son on my blog?


  2. Judy
    I have seen your playhouse and it is truly amazing! I would love to have the space for something like that.

  3. very cute! will you share where you found that sweet playhouse? please!

  4. That is so cute! I want a little playhouse for the kids this summer. I just think they look so sweet in the corner of the yard. Now if I can just convince the hubby....

  5. Oh my goodness that is just the cutest! Can your hubby come and build one for my daughter, lol! Toys R Us are you kidding? We are so doing this!

  6. This is really cute! I have always wanted a little cottage for my daughter. I fear that she is too old for that now. I would even just have one to just have know what I mean!


  7. Just darling. I'm loving the way you are gardening around it. Making it truly part of the whole garden. Beautiful.


  8. Wow! You've out done yourself again! That is the cutest thing I've ever seen. And once again, I find myself wishing that I had something that was made for your daughter. haha! Your daughter is going to have the BEST memories of her childhood! You're giving her so many opportunities for imaginative play that I'm sure she'll be super creative!

  9. The playhouse is wonderful, but what makes it the BEST is how you incorpoate it in your yard and garden around it making it "REAL" for your little one. It's not just a toy playhouse that you drop in the middle of your yard and move around as needed. You found a quaint little space making it a permanent sanctuary where she can grow, learn, and be imaginative! Well usual!

  10. Oh...Toys R, never would have guessed! = )

  11. This is such a cute playhouse!! Where did you find it?

  12. Wow, that is just beautiful. My kids would just die for something as fabulous as that. Love even the plants around it. Gorgious.

  13. That is adorable! I will be checking out Toys R' Us right away :)

    Thank you for your sweet comment, I am enjoying your blog and glad you found me!

  14. Love it! My husband started one 2 years ago and it has yet to be finished. I'll have to show him this post and tell him it can be done in 2 days!

  15. You are so lucky - my kiddos would die to have this!

  16. That is straight out of B,H &G!! Ridiculously adorable in every way!!

  17. The playhouse is adorable. I remember when our girls were small, my husband and I spent an entrie weekend putting together one of those wooden play sets. We sent the kids to Grandma's house. It was taxing, but we did it and the girls got about 6 years out of it before we moved!

    Thanks for your comment on the blog. I thought the books were awesome too. $5 each. I did not sell one. Can you believe it?

  18. Just the sweetest place for little ones to make memories. Mine only had an old chicken coop to play in when small on the farm, but they still as adults talk about all the fun times making it homey.
    This is such a cute little house.

  19. This is just too sweet! I can't believe you found it at Toys R Us!

  20. What a cute playhouse and it even has a doorbell ! I've been tempted to ask landscapers for flowers they are destroying but I never have. I'm so glad you did !

  21. are you kidding me???
    too cute & toysrus??? really?

    i too, think it looks so good to see how you have incorporated it into your yard. those window boxes are the icing on the cake!

  22. Oh my sweet! That looks like a custom playhouse. I would never have guessed it was from Toys R Us. Great! Lisa~

  23. I love that house!!! How fun is that? And it looks great and those flowers just add to how great it is!!!

  24. Hello! I found your blog from my sister's
    A Ruffled Nest. Your play house is So, So Adorable, I LOVE it!
    Your blog is so pretty, and I will definitely be back again,

  25. So precious! What a lucky girl to have such a magical place to play! The little girl in me is so jealous! So many things you can do with it too!

  26. Londen,

    Everything about this is so wonderful! I love it! The dutch doors, the shutters, the trim, the flower box. Oh, joy!

  27. That is so adorable! My kids would have to fight me for it!
    ☺ Celeste

  28. So cute! I have a feeling this is getting added to my husband's to-do list... ;)

  29. What a gorgeous play house! I love the window boxes. :)

  30. Oh my goodness I want to move right in! The little ones must LOVE it! Great for the kids but even more fun to decorate!!!

    Best wishes,

  31. This is SO adorable. And thank you for the sweet comment. I'd have to charge a million dollars for the turtles to make it worth my time (I'm not the quickest seamstress). haha! But this playhouse is just amazing! We have one from Costco that got totally thrashed over the last two winters. I just got my husband to set it up down in the play area and we built some flower boxes next to it that the girls planted little flowers in them. However, it's still missing a roof, door, and half a bench. You've inspired me to get back to it! And a doorbell, cute. Your little one must be in heaven. I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of the inside!

  32. Thanks so much for dropping by the blog. The bed seems huge in the room, but I havent placed the night stands in yet.

    What a nice little house your husband built.

    Mr. Goodwill Hunting

  33. We have been looking for a playhouse for "Grandma & Grandpa's House" Can you tell me where you found it?? I LOVE IT!

  34. thanks for your name idea!
    please stop by for an updated giveaway for naming the new girl!! xoxo

  35. Oh I wish I had a playhouse for my kids! This is beautiful, and the flowers blooming are darling! I would love for you to stop by and share this at my bring in the spring blog party!

  36. This is so adorable! I love that it has a little doorbell! Ugh, its just too cute!

  37. Oh! We bought a play house last year too...but, too bad for me...I like yours better!

  38. Noooo!!!! This is the cutest thing ever!! Oh, I love it!

  39. I would live out there with my cup of tea and a magazine! Love it!

  40. What a darling house! It is so cute!

  41. Wow.. this is the most super cute fabulous playhouse ever... i want to play in it!! Great job!
    x trina
    thanks for the baby advice.. I think you're so right about that.. sometimes i think later to bed later they sleep but so not true!!!

  42. I love this playhouse! Your daughter is very lucky! Thanks so much for stopping by! Have a wonderful weekend

  43. Oh this is so cute. Any kid would love to have that in their backyard.

  44. I wonder what my husband is going to say when I show him this and say we need one in our backyard...

    Love it!

  45. ellie and kj would be so jealous.

  46. Love your little playhouse...won't it be fun to decorate inside too?

  47. Just happened upon your blog... Your playhouse is just out-of-this-world WONDERFUL!!!!! God, I would just sit there all the time and look at it! Since looking at all the blogs (I am new to blogging), you ladies have such lovely things and I just want to see everything and star at everything! You have a great husband to put it all together too. Thanks for sharing.
    Best regards,

  48. My daughter would LOVE this playhouse! So cute, you guys did a great job. Thank you for stopping by Yoga Gal and commenting! :D :D :D

  49. makes me wish i was your child--this is the cutest playhouse EVER!

  50. What an adorable playhouse! Great job! Thanks for visitng me to!

  51. I simply adore it !Later it will make a cute potting shed or storage area for your gardening supply's.

  52. how did I miss this one? I'm going to check out ToysRUs. Really, you found it there??? Thanks for sharing...
