Sunday, June 27, 2010

Paint Sprayer Take Two

After getting some pointers on how to use the sprayer and finding the right consistency of paint, this time was a great success! I used the ironclad paint from Benjamin Moore because there is no need for a primer or top coat. I used 4 parts paint and 1 part water.

This time around I had an old side table, a small frame and a little stool to practice on before I did something I really liked.

This huge frame is the something I really liked. I have been wanting to paint this for a while but I wanted to wait to use the sprayer. I bought it at a garage sale with a mirror for fifteen dollars, great deal don't you think? I'm going to hang it above the faux mantel in the dining room.

The white paint really freshened it up.

Old table before

I think it would look great painted a fun color but my main goal was to get the big mirror painted and I wanted that to be white, therefore everything else was white too. I almost forgot about this little table, it was hiding in the garage rafters.... I'm glad it was there for me to practice on. The finish turned out really nice and now I'm ready to find a new home for it.

The hard part about using the paint sprayer for me is to remember to do light coats and not go crazy so I don't end up with drips. Oh, and don't try this at home with your flip flops on, my toe nail polish is speckled with white paint! Common sense I know.



  1. Everything looks really great!!! I want to invest in a paint sprayer so bad!

  2. Now this is how a serious painter gets it done. I love all your newly painted stuff!

  3. They look fab! Love the orange flowers with the newly white table!

  4. Congrats. You have some beautiful treasures now. And you've made me want a sprayer too.

  5. wow! they look great! do all sprayers need the four parts paint one part water? thanks for sharing!

  6. So happy for you to have some success! These pieces look great.

  7. So great! Nothing like white paint to really make things fresh...and who knows, maybe you have started a trend with the whole white speckled toe nails thing!

  8. hey londen,

    sunday made it to the final "hanson" competition.
    i drew your name from all those who have been
    helping vote her in.

    the gift is a bottle of "fresh" perfume from saks.
    please hop over and leave me your address on
    my email address :

    thank you for all your help!!!!

  9. Looks great! I have a sprayer on my list of things to get & try one day.

  10. Oh you're projects look SO good. I have given up on sprayers but may have to revisit.

    Thank you so very much for your kind words and support.
    May your open door only reveal beautiful things.

  11. Wow, what a transformation. You are lucky to have a sprayer. Thanks for the Ben Moore paint tip, too.

  12. that frame is AWESOME!!! can't wait to see it put into place!

  13. fun!

    And thanks for the flip flop tip, though I'm pretty sure that white speckles on my toenails would be an improvement from how they are now.

    when are you going to hang that mirror - I want to see!!!!

  14. Great job with the sprayer! They can be tricky; many thin layers is the way to go.

  15. Wow. Nice work. Next thing you'll be spraying flames on the hood of the car.

  16. Those look great! I just tried out my sprayer tonight too, and used white, so funny! I think I got more paint on my hands than the table though :)

  17. The pieces turned out great! It's amazing what a fresh coat of paint can do.....especially a fresh coat of white! The frame is awesome!!! I will be treasure hunting my friend so you can work your magic and create some beautiful pieces for me.


  18. I have a feeling this is only the beginning, tee-hee. Love your goodies.

  19. GREAT!! You are spraying like a pro! Thanks for the Ben Moore tip; not familiar with the IronClad line but will check it out. Thanks for the tips, have a great week....

  20. LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!! Good luck in the giveaway! Enjoying your projects!

  21. They look great! I especially love the mirror frame and I'm kicking myself now for getting rid of a mirror I had that was almost identical!

  22. I love the little round table.

    I hope you will share with us what type of compressor you used. I have a small compressor and often wonder if it would work with a paint sprayer.

  23. I liked the gold mirror but I definitely like the white better. Way to get a grip on the sprayer! And I love the enormous backdrop!

  24. I LOVE the detail on that frame! I'm really bad about going too fast and making drips I have to clean up.

  25. Thanks so much for stopping by my site and commenting on my potting bench. I love your versatile potting table.

  26. I can't believe I have been painting for all these years and have NEVER tried a sprayer. How did you like the finish? Hmm....I may have to rent one and try it out.


  27. This is is awesome! I love the frame. Do you have time to paint some andirondack chairs? They really need it!


  28. they look awesome! i love white - so crisp!

  29. Awesome job. I love the picture frame. The painting area your hubs set up is terrific. Great job girlie...keep up the good work!

  30. Great job! Everything looks beautiful!! I love that big old frame, too. It looks great painted white! :)

  31. I love the table! Thanks for the inspiration!

  32. I think thin coats would be a challenge for me too! You did a great job!!!

  33. All right, I've heard of this paint before and ignored it. I'm going to have to try it. Maybe that's the answer to my paint sprayer problems. Loving the mirror!
