Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Butterfly Artwork And A Winner!

I've had a lot of questions about the butterfly artwork hanging in our playroom. This is such an easy project to do, and you don't have to limit yourself to butterflies.

After finding a Martha Stewart punch and trying it out on everything in sight, I found what worked best for my project. It sounds silly, but using this punch is so fun it can be addicting.

I finally found a use for all my old magazines.

Finding textures and colors you like is part of the fun.


I printed a layout using Excel so it would be easy to space the butterflies.

I laid the template over my project paper and used a sharp pencil to transfer the positions. I used textured scrapbook paper.
Once I had my layout, I used glue dots to attach the butterflies. I bent the wings a bit to give them a three dimensional look.

The matte has a plastic edge that creates a deeper space. I bought the frame and matte together as a set at Hobby Lobby.

Now you have a one of a kind piece of artwork!

I'm participating in the CSI project. This week is a Martha Stewart-inspired” Challenge.
The Martha Stewart Craft Department are the guest judges. Stop by and check out all the great projects!

Visit thecsiproject.comLinking up with Someday crafts  get-your-craft-on-tuesday frugalicious-friday
                                                             Funky Junk Interiors hope studios


The winner of the CSN giveaway is...

Handbags n pigtails Congratulations!!


  1. i just love your butterfly artwork. thanks for giving us the tutorial. I noticed it when you showed your playroom reveal.

    thanks so much for linking up to The CSI Project's Martha Stewart-inspired challenge!


  2. HaHA! I have had this project on my list for quite some time. I finally bought this exact butterfly punch just last week. It cracks me up that we have such similar project interests. I was at a new little nursery today looking for potting bench supplies and fairy garden trinkets and I thought of you. I think it would be fun to compare our project lists!!
    Anyway...love the butterfly art - What a good idea to use magazine pages!

  3. I am so glad you showed this again...this is something the girls would love to do with me.

  4. I found you from CSI. Love this project, so simple but so cute. I've been trying to come up with some artwork for my 6yr olds room that she can make & I think this project will be perfect for us! Love that you used magazines too- creative!

  5. What a great idea! Saw the link on CSI's Twitter. Great work...

  6. Really beautiful.
    I wish I was crafty! LOL

  7. I love, love, love this! I probably commented saying so in your previous post but I still love it. And such an easy project--it's going into my "to do" folder because I need some art on my walls!

  8. That is sooooooo pretty. Really beautiful. I'll be adding that to my list of things to make.

    I'm stopping by from Someday Crafts. Have a great week!


    Come check out my WW Linky Party!

  9. I made this too for my girls room and it is so cute~
    Very colorful!

  10. I have always wanted to try this project. Very cute!

  11. I have never seen a punch like that, it's great. You already know how much I love this project of yours, it's fabulous as is your tutorial!

  12. I love that so much! I have a butterfly file (just in case I ever have a little girl) and this is SO going in it!

  13. I have to make this!!! Thanks for sharing!

  14. I like this as it is so colorful, but I love it because you recycled and made something so beautiful out of old magazines.

  15. What a great project and the recycled magazines was brilliant!

  16. I absolutely love this! Think I might make one for my craft room wall! Thanks for sharing!

  17. this is super pretty. I've seen variations done on this, but none using magazines - what a great way to recycle. Thanks!

  18. I love how this looks, i want to make one for my house, thanks for sharing!!

  19. This is an absolutely adorable idea! I just love it!

  20. Love this project! I covered a paper lantern with these same butterflies ala Martha with scrapbook paper. Ingenious idea to use pages from magazines!!!

    Best wishes,

  21. I love how you made these! What a good use of cool magazine pages. They are really beautiful. Thanks for sharing!

  22. i adore this project- adore it!!! i think i may make one for emmy's room. i bought a flower punch already that i used for a project, so i might do flowers instead in all shades of pink... thanks for sharing your how-to. it looks perfect. i always love your ideas and your colors.

  23. Oh my gosh, Im really excited! I'll email you my info in a little bit. Thanks again!:)

  24. great tutorial!
    love it!
    stop by for a giveaway!!

  25. I love it and Oh, the possibilities are endless. Beautiful!

  26. This is the best project! I really can not wait to try it!
    Thank you for the info!

  27. hi londen! just wanted to hop over and say congrats on a 3/3 record! way to go! can't wait to see your dollar store project. i have no idea what i will do.... i am looking forward to roadkill rescue week! ;)

  28. The first time I saw your butterfly artwork,
    I loved it!!!Thank you so much for posting it
    again with a tutorial.
    My daughter want one for her room too!
    Have a wonderful weekend,

  29. Cassie!
    I don't have anything planned for the next CSI challenge...but I can't wait to see what you and the other talented ladies come up with!

    Thank you everyone for the wonderful comments it means a lot to me!

  30. Londen, You continue to inspire me. The butterfly artwork is LOVELY!!!
    Have a happy Sunday!

  31. I'm a new follower over here. Great idea! Love it.

  32. that is too darn cute! and what a way to reuse! i need more wallspace because i want to make one of these! love it!

  33. Hello there! I've come to visit your blog via Brenda @ Cozy Little House. . . & I love your butterfly project. I first saw Ali Edward do this & bought the MS punch, but haven't yet put it together. This just might inspire me!

    I hope you soon feel better.

  34. What a beautiful result..the butterflies look gorgeous..I might have to try one of those punches..Rachaelxx

  35. I noticed this project too when you showed your reveal. I love it and and I can't wait to make some for our new Master Bedroom makeover. Thanks for sharing!

  36. Beautiful job! This is charming! Thanks for sharing --

    Abigail @ Raising Camelot

  37. Nicely done. You made it look easy and professional.

  38. ok- i don't have kids, but I love this!!! i totally want to make this. :) so, so excited!!

    and i love your new blog design. kelly just did mine- and i'm in love!


  39. Wow, this is really awesome. I love the idea and the magazine idea is pure genius. Nice work!

  40. I believe you just inspired my next project. So beautiful - thank you! :)

  41. I tried to find a punch similar to this, but it is really small. Maybe I just can't tell from your picture, but what is the size of each butterfly?

  42. You just made me so happy with the idea of using the paper from old magazines!! I would love to put some art on the wall of my girl's room but have no $$ but I actually DO own that same butterfly punch (the only punch I own actually). Thanks for the great idea! Oh, and for the commenter above the punch is about an inch high.

  43. i absolutely love this project. i'm making a similar one with different shapes for a gift right now. and i'm thinking about making some to sell. would that be ok with you?!

  44. I just love this idea! I saw it recreated by another blogger with a link to your site. Amazing! I'm now following for more creative ideas!

  45. Oh and I've grabbed your button for my blog roll, hope that's okay! :)

  46. I just made a single frame version of this yesterday and posted if you'd like to see. Thanks so very much for the inspiration!! :)

