Thursday, July 1, 2010

A New Garden

One of the few plants we inherited when we moved in was a big old lilac bush. I was never happy with where it was planted and couldn't figure out how to incorporate it into a flower bed. I had clematis climbing on the trellis for a season but it didn't come back in the spring. It wasn't the look I was going for anyway.

 Now I love myself some lilacs but this just wasn't worth keeping around for one week of blooms, so out it came.

The funny part is my ambitious hubby thought it would be quick and easy to get out of the ground.

Three broken shovels and a couple of hours later, we had this giant root ball. Now how do we move it? It was so heavy we needed a two wheeler.

We made the bed a bit bigger and made a plan for the new plants. Now it doesn't look wonderful yet, give it a year and I think it will be. We went the craigslist route again for some of the plants. The Shasta Daisies and Coreopsis came from someone who wanted to split her plants and make a few dollars. They are looking a bit sad now but will perk up soon. The two butterfly bushes were bought from a nursery, I like that they have three different color blooms on them. Between the butterfly bushes I planted a climbing rose. In a few years I hope it covers this section of the fence in pink roses.

I like the carefree way the daisies and butterfly bush mingle together.

The little one thinks it's pretty exciting when the butterflies come for a visit...I do too.
Have a fun weekend!


  1. Very pretty!!! I can't keep nothing alive here! Too hot!

  2. Beautiful! Things around here always take a LOT longer and quite a few shovels more than one would think. :) It must feel so great to have a pretty little garden area made from scratch. I'm looking forward to seeing the growth next year. It amazes me how fast plants grow once they get going! Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. just as an fyi...those butterfly bushes can get VERY large as that lilac you just pulled out...

  4. Thanks for the fyi Julie,
    I do want them to grow tall to cover some of the fence and my hope is to have the rose climb the top of the fence.
    In our zone 5, they need to be cut all the way back in the spring because of our harsh winters.

  5. I love seeing those daisies. They always make me smile. Enjoy your weekend.


  6. I love that you've gotten plants on Craig's List. Your new garden area looks great already.
    Happy weekend!!

  7. So pretty! The pots the kids planted are starting to bloom, a few more weeks until the carrots will be ready...we will see!

    Best wishes for a HAPPY & SAFE 4th!


  8. This is too funny! I did and thought the same thing about my lilac bush. It is now a veggie garden off the back patio. I love it and it is so much more useful than a ginormous lilac bush. Love your garden!

  9. I love the transformation. Make sure you trim back the butterfly bushes every year. Or else they'll take over. I have one that is almost to my roof. It's crazy

  10. This is all so pretty! I wonder if you back has recovered after digging up that rootball? Thanks for the tip to look on Craigslist for plants...never thought of that; have a lovely long weekend :)

  11. Now I can see the before and after! What a wonderful difference! I have seen the garden in person and the pictures don't do it justice!

  12. i am grieving the loss of your lilac as i LOVE lilacs, but i also love butterfly bushes and daisies and have some in my yard! i am lucky enough to have my mom live 45 min away so i inherit any extras she digs from her garden. it is looking good and those daisies will really fill in in a couple years!

  13. Three broken that sounds like how our projects go...LOL. It looks beautiful, you did a great job. Happy 4th of July! Hope you are having a wonderful day

  14. I have so much admiration for those born with a green thumb! Sadly, I'm not one of them! I do try though - I just planted climbing rose on my front fence - we'll have to compare notes on how we're doing! : )


  15. Looks great!!!! Can't wait to come over and see it in person. Keep up the wonderful work.


  16. Poor shovels - they just don't make them the way they use to - LOL

    I have a few sections of my garden that I need to redo also - another project I've been puttting off!

    Love those daisy's, they always make me smile!
