Monday, January 25, 2010

Dreaming about Hawaii

Our daughter will be four March 27th, three days after my birthday. My husband and I have only been on a couple of one night getaways since. We have another one planned but I just can't help but dream of taking a real break, a vacation just us. Being a full time mom is one of the hardest jobs I have ever had, definitely the best job but challenging.

So this brings me to my recent daydream that I just can't get out of my mind, Maui.... just the two of us. We are just not ready to leave the little one for very long. I wonder if we will ever be ready.

Here is a little Hawaii for you to dream on, this is us 7 years ago....

Secret beach

Back to reality.....have a great day wherever you are!


  1. How cute y'all are!!!! I know what you mean about needing a vacation, but not wanting to leave the little one. It's a terrible feeling. But, it's healthy for everyone, including the little one, to have a break away from the norm. I think you and your husband will have a lovely time and little one will be A OK.

  2. Gorgeous pix. I am so jealous. Right now, I could use any vacation and you've really got me dreaming. Sigh! And you two are just too cute for words!

  3. Oh it is beautiful! Just beautiful...{love the picture of you two too} dream away and take that vacation! It is so hard leaving but so good for everyone at the same time:) Enjoy your vacation!!!

  4. Take her with you! And a grandparent! Great wedding picture. xoxo

  5. Gorgeous pictures to go along with your incredible dream escape. Ours will turn 6 on March 19th and we have only managed a few getaways without her, the longest was a 3 day trip to Sonoma, Ca. We just don't enjoy ourselves fully without her so now she's our little travel buddy. We make sure to have our adult date nights once a month, but sharing the world with her is too much fun to forego.

    I agree with RLG, take her with you and a grandparent, aunt, uncle, older cousin watch her at night so the two of you can have adult time.

  6. You should getaway just the 2 of you, you deserve it!

  7. Moms & Dads need vacations, too! I think it would be a great idea for the 2 of you to get need that time to reconnect since life at home can be so crazy sometimes! Go for it! ;o) ~mary~

  8. Love the picture...and love the dreaming. I have already coaxed my darling husband into planning for a vacay the fall AFTER I graduate. 2011 you can not get here FAST enough. :)


  9. I've been to Maui 3 times - I just love it and it gets better every time. I don't have kids, but I'm sure it's hard to leave them. Someday you should definitely go on vacation to Maui!

  10. My family is going to Maui this summer for the first time. We are thrilled! Thanks for your post...the secret beach gives me butterflies! Love the playroom by the way!

  11. We've done the long and short vacas, and after a couple of weeklong vacations, I realized that I do better with 4 day weekend trips without the kids. Not necessarily because I worry about them, I worry about the grandparents taking care of them- LOL!

    Maybe you guys could jet down to FLA for a long weekend- not as beautiful as Hawaii (we went there for our Honeymoon too!) but it is still the beach!
